Fusion #1
Being that I've been a big fan of Top Cow since waaaay back when, I really liked this comic. Not only do I get Cyberforce and Hunter/Killer but The Thunderbolts and The "Mighty" Avengers. This story takes place after the events of HK #12, the Cyberforce mini and in between the 1st and 2nd arc's of Mighty Avengers. PRE DARK REIGN. Tyler Kirkham's artwork is incredible. This man knows how to make you wanna turn the page. Accompanied by Abnett and Lanning's sweet story thus far, this book is not to be missed!
5 out of 5

Lockjaw and the pet Avengers #1
If you passed this book up because you thought it was a kid's comic well go back and get it now! It's funny, exciting and really cool to see the "pet Avengers" do what their respective owners would do. These animals are tasked by the Inhuman cainine Lockjaw to track down the Infinity Gems. Great first issue. We're even given an origin story as to how there's a Thor Frog!
5 out of 5

Oracle The Cure #3
I really like Barbara Gordon and the whole Oracle persona that she's made since being crippled by the Joker (way back in The Killing Joke) but the fact that this was supposed to be a tie-in to Battle for the cowl and really had more to do with Teen Titans, Final Crisis and Birds of Prey than Batman. The Calculator is trying to get the Anti-Life Equation off the internet so that he can save his daughter (who was attacked in Teen Titans). Where is any mention of BATMAN aside from the banner across the cover?!?!? NOWHERE!!! It's an ok story, I feel they should've just did this in Birds of Prey instead of making a 3 issue mini and wasting people's time. The worst part is now DC is going to be making another BATGIRL book which I'm assuming is all about Barbara who hasn't been Batgirl for years! WTF!!!
2 out of 5

The Walking Dead #61
I've strayed away from reviewing this comic because well....IT'S ALWAYS GOOD! reguardless if it's a slow issue or packed with thrills and chills, it's always worth the wait. I can't say anything other than I think the priest on the cover is a spy. That's it! I can't spoil it for those of you including my girlfriend who read this book by trade.
5 out of 5

Hawkeye Dark Reign #2
Continuing the aftermath of last issue's blood splattered night of fun for the newly named Bullseye, Norman Osborn spins the hell out of everything to make it look like he was fighting himself, considering he left some trademark evidence. Such as carving a bullseye in one person's head. Great stuff from Marvel and Andy Diggle really knows how to give Bullseye that psycho, I wanna take him home to murder my family appeal. GOOD ISH!!!
5 out of 5
Previews of next weeks book that I'm excited about!!
Battle for the cowl #3 of 3..........who is the new batman!?!?
Vigilante #6.... The conclusion the the deathtrap story arc
Captain America #50!
Criminal Macabre: Cell Block 666 #4
make sure you go see Terminator Salvation and tell all these critics to go shove it!!
We are the Resistance!!!